A to Z Directory of advocacy groups and organisations
The advocacy-related groups and organisations shown below can either help you directly or provide information and support.
To find out more about how they can help you, please contact them using the phone number, email, or website address they have provided.
Additional groups and organisations that can provide support with advocacy
Not Alone
Not Alone provides support, advice, and advocacy for transgender and non-binary people (aged 16+) in Plymouth, as well as for their families, partners, and allies.
Email contact@notaloneplymouth.co.uk
Website notaloneplymouth.co.uk
Plymouth Hope Football Club
The Plymouth Hope Football Club is run by inspiring and dedicated volunteers from all walks of life who all believe in social equality and equity.
Phone 07712 418206
Email info@plymouthhope.org.uk
Website plymouthhope.com

Plymouth Parent Advocacy Project
The Plymouth Parent Advocacy Project helps ensure parents with a learning disability are supported through challenging processes regarding their children; ensuring that they understand information, feel able to express their own views, are able to access appropriate support, and that they receive a fair assessment.

The Advocacy People (Plymouth)
The Advocacy People provides all statutory and non-statutory advocacy for the people of Plymouth and is free, confidential and independent.

Action for Children
Action for Children aims to improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable children and young people and they support children and young people, as well as their families.

Amber Initiatives
Amber Initiatives provides practical assistance to migrant workers from EU countries, helping them to comply with the UK legislation and solve their complex problems.

Better Futures - Improving Lives Plymouth
Better Futures was founded over 30 years ago and is a service for adults age 18+ with a learning disability and or autism.

Citizens Advice Plymouth
Citizens Advice Plymouth (CAB) service helps people to resolve their problems. We can help with any issue, from anyone, spanning debt and employment to consumer and housing plus everything in between.

Coram Voice
Coram Voice will help you if you are in care, leaving care, or have or need a social worker.

Healthwatch Plymouth
Healthwatch Plymouth is the independent consumer champion for people using local health and social care services in Plymouth.

National Association of Child Contact Centres
NACCC is the only charity in the UK dedicated to child contact, providing safe spaces where children can meet the parents they don't live with.
Plymouth Advocacy - Barnardo's and Independent Visitors
Barnardo's are commissioned by Plymouth City Council to deliver an advocacy and independent visitor service to children and young people across the city.

Plymouth and District Racial Equality Council
Plymouth District Racial Equality Council provides a safe and respectful environment for BME clients to enable them to feel that they are listened to and believed, so that they can have a voice and to say what they want about their experiences.

Plymouth Highbury Trust
Plymouth Highbury Trust is a charity providing a diverse range of services and social events for people with learning disabilities, living in the City of Plymouth.

Prison Advice and Care Trust - PACT
The Prison Advice and Care Trust (PACT) is a pioneering national charity that supports prisoners, people with convictions and their families.

Prisoners' Families Helpline
The Prisoners' Families Helpline can support you if you have a family member who is in contact with the criminal justice system in England and Wales.

Royal Association for Deaf People
The Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD) promotes the welfare and interests of deaf people and provides services to deaf people in their first or preferred language, usually British Sign Language (BSL).

The Zebra Collective
Zebra will work with your organisation or community group to help you develop and improve the work that's important to you.

Trauma Informed Plymouth Network
Our ambition is for Plymouth to be a trauma-informed city. Our independent network is open to anyone connected with Plymouth with a desire to learn about and promote trauma informed ways of being.

WISER - Plymouth Highbury Trust
WISER (Women in Safe and Empowering Relationships) is a service for women in Plymouth with learning disabilities or borderline learning disabilities who are affected by domestic abuse.
Family and Wellbeing Hubs
Based throughout Plymouth, the Family and Wellbeing Hubs make it easier for you to access information, health, and community services.