S.E.E.D.S place at the Efford Youth Centre, S.E.E.D.S is a project to enhance digital skills and create positive outcomes for SEND young people.
10 free things to do in Plymouth
10 free things to do in Plymouth you are on a budget and looking for some free things to do in Plymouth, we have selected our favourite attractions and activities.
12 tips to help you stay well this winter
12 tips to help you stay well this winter important information from the NHS to help you stay well this winter. Your health matters so please help us to help you.
12 top tips to prepare your child for school
12 top tips to prepare your child for school our 12 top tips to help you, and your child as they prepare to start a new school or join a new class.
13 assumptions that people make when starting a new relationship
13 assumptions that people make when starting a new relationship are 13 common assumptions people make when starting a new relationship, and we challenge them with a fresh perspective and unveil the realities that lie beneath.
15 hours free childcare - 2 year old children
15 hours free childcare - 2 year old children families in England, receiving some forms of support with 2-year-old children (ME2).
15 hours free childcare - 3 and 4 year old children
15 hours free childcare - 3 and 4 year old children all families in England with 3 and 4-year-old children.
30 hours free childcare - 3 and 4 year old children
30 hours free childcare - 3 and 4 year old children all families with 3 and 4-year-old children.
A to Z Directory of dental health groups and organisations
A to Z Directory of dental health groups and organisations an A to Z Directory of dental health support groups and organisations in Plymouth.
About Plymouth Online Directory (POD) is a community-based directory for adults and young people. The website includes information about health, education, social, and wellbeing services in Plymouth.
Accessibility statement
Accessibility statement aim to ensure that our website is accessible and usable to as many people as possible. It is has been designed to conform with Level AA of the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, the minimum standard required by the UK Government.
Accessible clothing
Accessible clothing stylish and independent with your wardrobe choices is an essential part of living well. However, age-related changes like reduced dexterity, limited mobility, and vision problems can make dressing a challenge.
Accessible toys, play and learning
Accessible toys, play and learning for children with physical or learning disabilities need to be safe and suitable for their needs. For example, if your child is likely to put the toy in their mouth, make sure it doesn't have any small parts that they could swallow.
Accidents and injuries
Accidents and injuries A&E department (also known as emergency department or casualty) deals with genuine life-threatening emergencies.
Accommodation have a duty to ensure that you live in suitable accommodation between the ages of 18 to 21. Your local district and borough hold the overall responsibility to provide housing to care leavers. Your personal adviser (PA) will support you in speaking to your local housing department to understand your options around independent housing.
Adapt your home
Adapt your home you're struggling to get around your home due to a disability, long-term illness, visual impairment or old age, we may be able to help with equipment and adaptations to your home to make it easier and safer to live independently or for a carer to look after you.
Adapt your home
Adapt your home you're struggling to get around your home due to a disability, long-term illness, visual impairment or old age, we may be able to help with equipment and adaptations.
Additional financial help
Additional financial help additional financial support such as help with council tax, fuel costs, pensions and health costs.
Adoption in Plymouth
Adoption in Plymouth is a way of providing the security, permanency and the love of a new family when it is not possible for a child to be raised by his/her birth parents or within the birth family.
Adult Social Care Professional Referral
Adult Social Care Professional Referral referral process should only be used by health or social care professionals. Members of the public should use our main Adult Social Care Assessment of Need form.