Challenging the assumption that relationships are smooth sailing and without conflict
Challenging the assumption that relationships are smooth sailing and without conflict romantic journey is often portrayed as a smooth and delightful ride, filled with endless joy and effortless harmony. However, the reality of relationships is far more complex and nuanced.
Changing schools
Changing schools many reasons, including the disruption to a child's education, it is better that children do not move school other than for normal primary/secondary transfers.
Check what help you could get with childcare costs
Check what help you could get with childcare costs this calculator to find out how much you could get towards approved childcare.
Check your blood pressure reading
Check your blood pressure reading this service to check what your blood pressure reading means and get information about what to do next.
Chickenpox is common and mostly affects children, although you can get it at any age. It usually gets better by itself within a week without needing to see a GP.
Child article 1
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Child article 1
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Child article 2
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Child article 2
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Child article 3
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Child article 4
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Child Benefit goes digital
Child Benefit goes digital in Plymouth can now, for the first time, claim their child benefits online. Payments could be made in as little as 3 days.
Childcare and maternity cost of living support from the government
Childcare and maternity cost of living support from the government all of the childcare and maternity cost of living help and support schemes that you could be eligible for and apply today.
Childcare grants
Childcare grants Government can help with childcare costs for parents. Whether you have toddlers or teens, you could get support.
Children and young people mental health
Children and young people mental health health support for children and young people in Plymouth.
Children and young people mental health publications
Children and young people mental health publications and research that focus on the mental health of children and young people.
Children's advocacy
Children's advocacy you find it difficult to understand your care and support or find it hard speak up, there are people who can act as a spokesperson for you.
Children's playgrounds in Plymouth
Children's playgrounds in Plymouth has over 140 playgrounds that are suitable for a range of ages and abilities.
Children's Services glossary and acronyms
Children's Services glossary and acronyms a glossary and acronyms of words commonly associated with Children's Services.
Children's social worker job vacancies
Children's social worker job vacancies you're passionate about working with children and young people and keen to develop your career with a progressive employer, then Plymouth City Council would love to hear from you.