Special Schools in Plymouth

A Special Schools provides education specifically for students with more complex learning needs that cannot be met in a mainstream school environment.
Students attending Special Schools have disabilities or learning difficulties such as autism, Down's Syndrome, severe learning disabilities, profound and multiple learning disabilities, sensory impairments.
Plymouth has seven Special Schools:
- Brook Green Centre for Learning
- Cann Bridge School
- Courtlands School
- Longcause Community Special School
- Mill Ford Community Special School
- Mount Tamar School
- Woodlands School
Special Schools offer more personalised support and a tailored curriculum adapted to the students' individual needs. Common services/support provided includes:
- Smaller class sizes with higher staff-to-student ratios
- Specialist teachers and support staff trained in meeting specific needs
- Access to therapies - speech and language, occupational therapy etc
- Assistive technology and equipment
- Multi-sensory learning environments
- Life skills development and vocational training as students get older
- The aim is to provide an environment where students can learn, thrive and gain independence to the best of their potential, which may not be viable in mainstream education.
To attend a special school or a support centre within a mainstream school, a pupil will need to have an Education, Health and Care Plan.
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