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Support for young people

Support For Young People Panel

Discrimination and hate crime

A hate incident is any incident which the victim, or anyone else, thinks is based on someone's prejudice towards them because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or because they are transgender.

Document library

Documents and resources specifically for care homes in Plymouth.

Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is when a family member or someone you're in a relationship, with treats you in a way that harms you physically, emotionally or sexually.

Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is when a family member or someone you're in a relationship, with treats you in a way that harms you physically, emotionally or sexually.

Domiciliary Care Resource Centre

Information, advice, and resources for domiciliary care providers in Plymouth.

Drinking equipment

Staying hydrated is essential for everyone, but it can become especially challenging for older adults living independently. Age-related issues like reduced mobility, weakened hand strength, or even forgetfulness can make drinking a simple task feel overwhelming.

Early Years - SENCO Guide for professionals

There are a number of key legislative frameworks which govern your work as a SENCO. As a SENCO, it is vital to have a good knowledge of the key aspects of each.

Early years (0 to 5 years old)

Support for children and young people in Plymouth who are in their early years aged between 0 and 5 years old. Includes support for families, childcare, health and wellbeing, benefits and grants, events, and SEND Team contact details.

Eating and drinking

Within this section, you'll find information on a variety of eating and drinking solutions, equipment, and aids, all aimed at helping you enjoy your mealtimes and allowing you to live life to the fullest.

Eating equipment

Mealtimes are a cornerstone of social interaction and nourishment. However, for older adults living independently, challenges like a weakened grip, limited dexterity, or difficulty swallowing can make eating a frustrating and potentially unsafe experience.

Education, employment and training

Education, employment and training-related information and advice that is part of Plymouth's Local Offer for people with SEND as they prepare for adulthood.

Education, employment and training

Young carers and their families have specific rights under the Children and Families Act (2014) and Care Act (2014).

Education, employment and training guides

Links to useful education, employment, and training guides that you might find useful if you're a young adult with SEND.

Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)

An Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is a document that supports children and young people with special educational needs in education.

Eligibility criteria for adult social care and support

The Care and Support (Eligibility Criteria) Regulations 2015 set out national eligibility criteria for access to adult care and support, and for access to carer support.

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