i-Grow Care and Support
i-Grow Care and Support specialises in providing personalised care and support packages to individuals in Plymouth and the surrounding areas.
Contacts details
Supported living
We support people to live in their own homes in the community. We offer flexible, personal-centred support packages and believe in supporting people to live as independently as possible in their homes and communities. We offer support ranging from 4 hours up to bespoke 24/7 packages.
We can also offer support to find accommodation if you are struggling to find this and have done this successfully for several individuals.
Day centre
We have an accessible day centre in Plymouth City Centre, which is open Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Our staff are friendly, well trained and experienced. In the day centre, we offer opportunities for individuals to:
- Develop life and home skills
- Keep fit and active
- Be creative
- Use assistive technology
- Participate in the local community
We provide an enabling service to enable people to do the activities they want to do in the community. We support individuals to do a variety of activities all across Plymouth.
We have a respite house in the Plymouth area and offer a respite service 7 days a week. Our staff are well trained and experienced and tailored to the individual we are providing respite for. We use our respite house to provide respite services and also to increase independent living skills for those who are looking to move into supported living in the future.
Specialisms and services
- Personal care
- Caring for adults over 65 years
- Caring for adults under 65 years
- Learning disabilities
- Mental health conditions
- Physical disabilities
- Sensory impairments

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- Support Living Framework Provider
- Day Service and Day Opportunity Framework Provider
- Everyone, under 65
- Everyone, over 65
- Autism
- Learning disabilities
- Domiciliary care
- Mental health
- Physical disabilities
- Physical and sensory
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