Nursing homes in Plymouth

Nursing homes also provide personal care but there will always be 1 or more qualified nurses on duty to provide nursing care. These are sometimes called care homes with nursing.
Some nursing homes offer services for people that may need more care and support. For example, people with:
- severe learning disabilities
- severe physical disabilities
- complex medical conditions that needs help from a qualified nurse - such as someone who has a colostomy or who is fed through a tube.
View the nursing home directory of local services and organisations
Nursing home directory
View the nursing home directory of local services and organisations
St Luke's Six Steps for Quality End of Life Care
St Luke's Hospice Plymouth believes that no one should die alone in pain or distress. How someone is cared for at the end of their life can remain with relatives and loved ones for a long time, so it is important to get the care right.
What is the difference between a care home and a nursing home?
There are 2 main types of home; care / residential homes and nursing homes.