SEND Strategic Board
The SEND Strategic Board works with different agencies and families to ensure that children in Plymouth with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) receive the necessary support.
The board, which meets six times a year, has representatives from Plymouth Parent Carer Voice and Youth Ascends, as well as agencies across education, health, social care, the voluntary and community sectors, early years, and post-16 providers.
We want to:
- deliver the best education for all our children and young people
- prepare our young people for independence (adulthood)
- ensure our children and young people experience the best possible health and wellbeing.
Read more about the terms of reference, membership and roles
The following two documents explain our priority areas and have been developed by the SEND Strategic Board.
Our vision for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in Plymouth
Our vision is clear and focused:
We have a duty to help our children and young people have a bright future. Our vision is that children and young people in Plymouth grow up healthy and happy, safe and able to aspire and achieve, living in resilient families and communities, and able to take advantage of a broad range of opportunities. Our aim is that no Plymouth child should find that their life chances are defined or limited by the circumstances of their birth or early childhood experiences. If problems emerge, we will step in and seek to work effectively alongside families to improve outcomes.
We need to do this better and faster across our local authority, schools, and health providers, as well as the as well as the community sector and statutory services, to ensure that we shift resources and focus to be able to benefit more of our children, focusing more of the time on prevention and earlier identification of need. Over time, we want to be able to reduce the need for intensive crisis management for a minority. We are aspirational about tackling the corrosive root causes and impact of deprivation.
Read our SEND Strategy (PDF, 1 MB) to learn more about our vision.
SEND Matters bulletins
Strategy Board meeting minutes
- 12 October (PDF, 151 KB)
- 21 September (PDF, 185 KB)
- 6 July (PDF, 233 KB)
- 8 June (PDF, 259 KB)
- 11 May (PDF, 232 KB)
- 13 April (PDF, 212 KB)
Plymouth's Local Offer is organised into four main categories covering the following age ranges:
- Early years (0 to 5 years old)
- Primary (5 to 11 years old)
- Secondary (11 to 18 years old)
- Preparing for adulthood
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