SEND Strategic Board Terms of Reference, Membership and Roles
- Purpose
- Underpinning principles
- Next steps
- Governance and reporting
- Membership
- Frequency of meetings
- Administration and support
- Review of the Terms of Reference
The purpose of this group is to work collaboratively across agencies, including family voice, to oversee the provision for Plymouth children with SEND, and to develop and implement the agreed SEND Strategy.
We want to:
- Deliver the best education for all our children and young people
- prepare our young people for independence (adulthood)
- ensure our children and young people experience the best possible health and wellbeing.
Key responsibilities for the group will be:
- Developing a shared vision for children, young people and adults aged 0-25 with SEND in Plymouth
- Steering and advising in the preparation of the strategy, improvement planning and models of working
- Enabling approval and sign-off within 'home' agencies/organisations
- Commitment to a good flow of information between agencies, organisations and groups to achieve a high level of commitment from all those involved
- Raising issues where there are gaps or weaknesses
- Taking steps to implement our vision
- Commissioning and receiving qualitative and quantitative information which enables us to evaluate provision and its impact.
- Keeping in mind the most vulnerable children and families.
- Evaluating our provision, recognising success and challenging to improve.
- Obligation to work together to achieve workforce reform.
- Developing a robust communication plan.
Underpinning principles
In the development and implementation of the strategy we will:
- Underpin all our work with ethical values of openness, honesty, social responsibility and care for others
- Work cooperatively with families, individually and in considering service development
- Co-design and develop our local response together with all partners, including young people and families.
- Take account of good practice that is already taking place and be positive about identifying lessons learnt; look to improve practice.
- Promote a person centered approach.
- Build on good practice already achieved which focused on children and young people
- at key transition points.
- Develop and implement an effective on-going evaluation program to ensure that the city is prepared for inspection under the new Ofsted Inspection Framework.
- Develop robust funding arrangements that facilitate sufficiency and efficacy of service delivery, demonstrate lines of accountability, allow for local flexibility and responsiveness and provide value for money.
- Develop a Service Framework for working with all schools and to ensure their effective inclusion in the both the review and delivering within the continuum of provision.
Next steps
- To develop, implement and review the local Special Education Needs and Disability Strategy and implementation framework (to launch in April 2023).
- To implement the agreed actions from completion of the city wide Self-Assessment Framework 2023.
Governance and reporting
The group will report to the Health and Wellbeing Partnership and to the Plymouth Education Board via the Children's Services Senior Team.
Area | Name | Role |
Director of Education, Participation and Skills | Annie Gammon | Co-chair. Accountable senior leader for SEND services; link for SEND with Plymouth Education Board and Strategic Education Board. |
Parent (PPCV) | Claire Paddon | Co-chair; accountable for communications to and from PPCV. |
Young Person | Youth Ascends | Accountable for communications to and from Youth Ascends. |
PCC Commissioning | Emma Crowther/Janet Greaves Stocker | Accountable officers for SEND commissioning by PCC. |
Health Commissioning | Fiona Fitzpatrick | Accountable officers for SEND commissioning by NHS Devon ICB. |
Livewell Southwest | Sara Kirkup/Tracy Clasby | Accountable officers for communications to and from health provider Livewell Southwest. |
University Hospital Plymouth NHS Trust | Sue Syers | Accountable officers for communications to and from health provider UHP. |
PLT | Polly Lovell | Accountable for communications to and from and influence with PLT (the secondary schools' group). |
PAPH | Heidi Price | Accountable for communications to and from and influence with primary heads group. |
SHAP | Andrea Hemmens | Accountable for communications to and from and influence with special heads group. |
Post 16 Providers | Ben Manning | Accountable for communications to and from and influence with post 16 providers. |
Children's Social Care | Martine Aquilina | Accountable for communications to and from the Children's Social Care workforce. |
DCO | Bridget Price | Designated Clinical Officer accountable for implementing and embedding SEND across health working with local authorities. |
Educational Psychologist | Clare Hetherington | Accountable for the work of the Educational Psychology team. |
Early Years rep | Elizabeth Knight | Represents views from Early Years Providers. |
PCC Officer - Head of SEND | Amanda Paddison | Accountable Head of Service for PCC SEND. Responsible for communications to and from SEND and inclusion teams in PCC; responsible for input and feedback re PCC SEND Services and development of these services. |
PCC Officer - Head of Education | Jim Barnicott | Head of Education for PCC. Responsible for communications to and from Education teams in PCC and wider communication to schools; responsible for input and feedback to and development of education services. |
PCC Officer - Head of Skills and Post 16 | Tina Brinkworth | Head of Skills and Post 16 for PCC. Responsible for development of structures post 16 cross city, in liaison with partners. |
PCC Officer - Head of Virtual School | Lee Earnshaw | Head of Virtual School. Responsible for overseeing the education of Looked After Children. |
Team leader: PIAS | Helen Huntley | Manager for PIAS: Plymouth Information, Advice and Support for SEND Responsible for raising issues re communication with and services to parents and families |
Representative for parents | Tim Tod |
Representative for parents | Tara Vassallo |
Frequency of meetings
Monthly at Ballard House or virtual.
Administration and support
Administrative support will be provided by PCC teams.
Review of the Terms of Reference
These Terms of Reference will be reviewed every 6 months during the life of this group.
Plymouth's Local Offer is organised into four main categories covering the following age ranges:
- Early years (0 to 5 years old)
- Primary (5 to 11 years old)
- Secondary (11 to 18 years old)
- Preparing for adulthood
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