Early Help Assessment Tool (EHAT) help guides
Logging into the Plymouth Professional Portal (PDF, 342 KB)
- Logging into the Professional Portal
- Forgotten Your Password
- Two Step Verification
- Updating Your Account Details
- Assistance
Registering and creating an account (PDF, 452 KB)
- Registering As a User - Security Details
- Registering as a User - About You
- Registering as a User - Work Details
- Two Step Verification
Selecting a child or young person (PDF, 462 KB)
- Navigating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Selecting a Person
- Assistance
Submitting a form (PDF, 691 KB)
- Navigating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Form selection
- Starting a New Form
- Adding Data
- Returning to an incomplete form
- Attaching Evidence and Supporting Documents
- Checking and Submitting Data
- "I agree" submission declarations
- Assistance
Links to external websites
- Plymouth Information, Advice and Support for SEND
- SEND guide for parents and carers - GOV.UK
- SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years - GOV.UK
Continue reading
- Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) for your child
- Submit a request for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) assessment
- How to appeal an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
- Annual reviews for children with special educational needs
- Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) flowchart
- Early Help Assessment Tool
- Education, Health and Care Plan frequently asked questions
- Plymouth Early Help and SEND Advice Line
Plymouth's Local Offer is organised into four main categories covering the following age ranges:
- Early years (0 to 5 years old)
- Primary (5 to 11 years old)
- Secondary (11 to 18 years old)
- Preparing for adulthood
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