Plymouth Enhanced Transition Framework
In Plymouth, we have worked with schools to produce a framework to support children who are making the transition from early years right through to secondary school. It is called the 'Plymouth Enhanced Transitions Framework.
- Plymouth Framework For Enhanced Transition (PDF, 576 KB)
- Enhanced Transition Framework (Word doc, 298 KB)
- The Enhanced Transition Plan (Word doc, 50 KB)
The level of vulnerability and their need for enhanced transition support will be identified as Universal, Targeted or Specialist.
All schools are expected to pay regard to this document when planning transitions. The tools available in the document also support children and young people moving between classes and year groups at both primary and secondary schools.
Within the Enhanced Transition Framework, there are a number of appendices that support the planning process at all levels. Please find all relevant information below.
- Appendix 1 - Supporting pupils who are visually impaired (PDF, 99 KB)
- Appendix 2 - ASC transition plan (PDF, 117 KB)
- Appendix 3 - SLCN transition (PDF, 90 KB)
- Appendix 4 - Supporting transitions for deaf Children (PDF, 93 KB)
- Appendix 5 - Frequently asked questions (PDF, 105 KB)
- Appendix 6 - Useful websites (PDF, 108 KB)
Please also see the additional information for parents and carers whose children are due to transition from early years to primary school in the document below.
Enhanced Transitions Early Years to Primary School - Parent and Carer Information (PDF, 219 KB)
Evaluation of enhanced transition
It is good practice to review transitions and gather feedback from all involved.
Please find below three documents that can support you in gathering feedback from pupils and families about their experience of the transition process.
There is also a document with suggestions to help with gathering views from pupils who might find it difficult to complete a questionnaire.
- Evaluation for pupils (Word doc, 116 KB)
- Evaluation for families (Word doc, 117 KB)
- Alternatives ways to capture evaluation feedback (Word doc, 112 KB)
Transition Portal for Education
Early Years settings, primary and secondary schools are currently able to use a transition portal to share key information for all children transferring into reception year or Year 7.
For more information, please visit the School Transition - Transition Portals for Education. The Enhanced Transition Framework can be used alongside the portal.
Other useful resources to support the transition
Starting Secondary School with SEN
Moving from primary to secondary school is another transition where pupils experience a major change in the organisation and routine of the day, including, for example, moving around the school site each lesson. Please find below a number of links that offer support and advice for pupils with SEN starting at secondary school.
- Starting secondary school with SEN - BBC Bitesize
- Find Your Feet - Supporting school transitions
- AET- Supporting learners with autism during transition
- The Teacher toolkit- 10 Tips For Successful School Transitions
- The EEF Transition tool- EEF Blog: Supporting pupils through Transitions
Young carers and transition
Person Centred planning
School transitions
Below you will find a link to a school transitions leaflet developed by young people in Plymouth and supported by the NSPCC's Together for Childhood team and Plymouth Council's Youth Participation Team as part of a wider online harms campaign in the city.
Moving Schools Leaflet: Starting Secondary School - Plymouth Safeguarding Children Partnership
Plymouth's Local Offer is organised into four main categories covering the following age ranges:
- Early years (0 to 5 years old)
- Primary (5 to 11 years old)
- Secondary (11 to 18 years old)
- Preparing for adulthood
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