Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre
The Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre is a community-led, neighbourhood approach to health improvement and provides a range of support services in communities experiencing disadvantage and health inequalities.
Contacts details
Scott Business Park
Beacon Park Road
Services available at the Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre
The centre has a range of in-house services as well as a wealth of knowledge of what is available locally and citywide. Our team can help access support for:
- Housing, legal benefits, debt support, and care advocacy
- Counselling and taking therapy
- Physical activity
- Befriending and other support groups
- Employment and volunteering
- Education, training, learning and digital inclusion
- Healthy lifestyles and health promotion
- Social and peer support activities
- Arts, crafts and therapeutic activities
- IT training
Healthy Living Centre resident organisations
- Healthy Futures Counselling service (free for PL2 residents)
- Healthy Futures Social Prescribing and Personalised Care service
- Healthy Futures Employability Service
- Healthy Futures Welfare Support (one-stop Advocacy)
- Plymouth Information and Advice for Special Educational Needs and Disability
- Livewell Family Nurse Partnership
- Heartbeat Cardiac rehabilitation Gym
- Wolseley Community Gym (Wolseley Community Hub)
- Wolseley Hub Community Nursery
- Café Scott Community Cafe
Drop-in services
- Livewell One You Clinic: NHS health Check, smoking cessation, healthy eating, 'drinking less and moving more'
- Disability Employment Advisor, DWP
- Plymouth Energy Community (PEC) Advisor
- Compassionate Café: bereavement support/listening service
- Local Gardening Group - Community Roots
- Computer Suite / Internet Café
- Cuppa with a Copper
Exercise groups
- Elder Tree Befriending over 50s Active Steps, Pilates and Tai Chi
- Fitness League
- Ford Gym Martial arts for youngsters
- Ministry of Martial Arts Taekwondo sessions for all ages
- Ford Community & Mindset Gym
Support groups
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Slimming World
- Stroke Association
- PIAS Strengthening Families
- Chronic Pain Café
- Help for Heroes
- Op Courage: mental health support for Veterans and their families
- Pre-diabetes health clinics
- Compassionate Kidney Café: supporting people living with kidney disease
- Anxiety Support Group
- The Thrive Tribe - women's peer support group
How to make a referral
Pop in and speak to any member of the team.
Alternatively, complete our simple referral form, and we'll get in touch. Once we know what help, information, and advice you need, we will connect you with the right people who can support you.
Make a referral and request support
We're here to help you.
What are Wellbeing Hubs?
Plymouth's Wellbeing Hubs have four main aims:
- Ensure fair access to health and wellbeing support
- Improve communities experience of health and care systems
- Support healthier lives through community-based services
- Strengthen community connections
All Wellbeing Hubs offer:
- Social and physical activities
- Befriending
- Opportunities to volunteer
- Welfare, benefits and cost of living advice
- Mental health support
- Signposting and referral service
Targeted services available in the hubs:
- Family and parenting provision
- Disability support
- Healthy eating and Food Access initiatives
- Social prescribing
- Veteran support
- Long-term health conditions support
- Carer's support

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Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
- Everyone, regardless of age
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