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George House Homeless Hostel

George House provides 46 en-suite units of temporary supported accommodation, including 2 specially adapted rooms for people with disabilities, for individuals and couples over the age of 18 who are homeless. 

Contacts details

Address:22A George Place
Telephone number: 01202 410 500
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George House also provides 2 additional emergency beds specifically for females who find themselves at risk of harm and who have no other offer of accommodation. 

Facilities include a multi-purpose training room, cluster kitchens with laundry equipment, a communal dining and lounge area with TV, and a landscaped garden. 

During their stay, customers are supported through collaborative working with partner agencies to address the issues that may have caused them to lose their previous accommodation, with the aim of moving back into the community through either private rental or social housing. 

Referrals to the service come via the Access to Accommodation (A2A) pathway, involving the completion of a housing and risk assessment arranged by Plymouth City Council or by teams supporting people who are rough sleeping. 

The George House staffing team consists of a senior practitioner, 7 full-time and 1 part-time support worker, and 4-night intensive housing officers who work on a 24-hour rota.

George House is delivered through The Plymouth Alliance (TPA), a group of statutory and voluntary organisations that have come together to co-produce, coordinate, and provide a range of support services to individuals in Plymouth, with an overall vision to improve the lives of people with complex needs. 



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Price: Please contact us for information about our costs
Based: Plymouth
  • 17 to 25 years old
  • 26 to 64 years old
  • 65+

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